It Literally Doesn’t Get Easier Than This.

V e g e t a b l e s.

There, I said it.

I’ve been trying to eat healthier, and the one thing that most diets agree on is that you can eat basically as much of the produce aisle as you want and it will be good for you.


When I say that it doesn’t get easier, it literally doesn’t. Buy fruits and veggies, wash if you need to, eat. Oh, you want it to be bite-size? Knives for harder objects, or a spoon if it’s soft like a banana.

You know, you really don’t typically think about these because… well, it’s not a ‘recipe’, in the classical sense. But it’s honestly a good thing for you.


Just going to add a list of some of my raw favorites, but if you want more suggestions, try looking at the recipes shared by the Medical Medium. You’d be surprised just how good some of those things sound… even though I haven’t tried any yet. Shameless advertising for someone who doesn’t even know my name? Sure.


Carrots (great with a little salt if you don’t like the sweet)

Bananas (have you ever sliced a banana onto bread that has peanut butter/cookie butter/etc on it? yuum)

Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries… I’m sure there are more out there, but these are the first ones I think of)

Tomatoes (specifically, garden tomatoes like my aunt grows or those cute little ones in the beehive-shaped packages with a little bit of salt)

Apples (honeycrisp and granny smith, all the way. Good with salt or caramel, or just plain. But don’t give me a yellow delicious or a fuji, not my type of apple)

Pineapple (the fruit that eats you back… look up bromelain if you don’t believe me. The core is also good for you, though, so even if it’s a touch tougher than the rest of the fruit, it’s still tasty, good for you… and has fiber, which… who technically gets enough fiber, I don’t know) –> slight update, I’ve recently learned that you can actually peel these things! Twist off the top of a ripe pineapple and use your fingers to push at the fruit seams to separate pieces off. Whoever thought of this made the rest of the world wonder why they weren’t already doing it.

Broccoli (sometimes, though I prefer it steamed with cheese sauce)



Onions (sweet onions are good, okay?)


And some that I typically prefer the cooked version over raw…

Bell Peppers (mirepoix has nothing on some sautéed peppers, onions, and garlic, if you ask me.)

Peas (yes, the canned stuff)

Onions (they count here, too)

Tomatoes (all the ones that aren’t naturally sweet enough to eat off the vine, heh)

Celery (okay, I don’t like-like it, but I’ll eat it when it’s well cooked in a vegetable soup.)

Potatoes (go with basically everything and are the thing that keeps you full longer, okay?)

Sweet potatoes (see above; also, I like my sweet potatoes just like I like my non-sweet potatoes, baked with salt and butter XD if you’ve never had sweet potato fries, I think you should try them. Seriously.)


And… yeah. This list might get longer with time. Seriously, though. I had salted tomatoes for dinner one night…. for lunch a different day…. I didn’t necessarily stay full as long as I would have if I’d had any meat in my meal, but I felt a lot better internally when eating them (I know, I know, it sounds like I’m chastising non-veggie eaters. And maybe I am. Go out there and healthy yourself up! You need it!! This was your produce pep talk.)

To your health (and some fuller bellies)
~the blogger

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